Patrick's 6th Birthday 25 June 1997

The Platapus Birthday cake
The party squad enjoy the moment
Gentlemen, start your engines - Go Carts at the Fun Factory

Trip to the North and West of Australia - Alice Springs

We ate at the Overlander's Restaurant - John had the Drover's Blowout! (camel, emu, croc and kangeroo)
Page 1 of the menu
This part of the menu gives you some cattle culture and the songs that must be sung


Julie & John in front of their hercules luxury transport aircraft
This is the sunset at Darwin 12 degrees South - the sun just drops below the horizon - as seen from the Mindil Beach Sunset Markets
The logo for the Mindil Beach Sunset Markets
Julie bought a Didjerido at the market!
There was lots of aboriginal art at the Markets
On Friday night, we ate at the Hogs Breath Cafe

John feeds the fish in Darwin at the edge of the sea when the tide comes in
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3  The fish did not eat my hand or all of the bread!
John & Julie relaxing after the feeding frenzy

The Croc Park South of Darwin

Crocodylus Park We went to this unique crocodile research attraction and were quite impressed with the big fellas!
Why didn't the chicken..... See for yourself
What happened to the last bungie jumper that dropped into the park?
Why the crocs at the park like tourists!

Nature South of Darwin

Termite mounds This gives you an idea of how high the termite mounds are!
This is almost exactly the tour we went on
Here is a Northern Territory Kaula saying Hi
We stopped for lunch, swimming and cliff diving at Wangi Falls
Julie and the girls found a great place to swim
This is Charlie the Buffalo who starred in the movie Crocodile Dundee - Mick Dundee calmed him down with his fingers. All Charlie did when we were there was eat quietly
Wild Camels We were hoping to see wild camels, but never did. These 2 fellas were in a rent-a-car ad

Karratha - Australia's North West Corner

We got to go out in the field with the Pilbara regiment
Here, we are on a hill surveying the spot where a Land Rover rolled over
This is the dam where er enjoyed 'afternoon tea'
After a hard day in the field, we had a "Roadkill Mess Dinner"

Canberra on the Queen's Birthday on 9th of June

Olivia with her sparkler
Patrick with his sparkler

ANZAC day parade in Canberra on the 25th of April

Olivia with her friend Katie in front of the memorials

Uploaded Photos on April 24th

Richmond near Hobart in the southern area of Tasmania

Olivia & Patrick looking sad in the Richmond Gaol solitary confinement cell

Port Arthur

Note that we were not the first McManus group to spend a little time in the penal institution in Port Arthur. They had profiles of some of the notorious prisioners, and one who got much 'wallspace' was Terrence Bellew McManus. He arrived at the port of Derwent on 27 October 1849 and was transported overland to the jail. He had been one of the catholic ringleaders of the rebellions in Ireland. There were many McManus' in the local phonebook, and the waiter named Patrick that served us wanted to know what part of Ireland that Patrick James McManus came from.

Olivia & Patrick behind bars in the main block in Port Arthur

John in the chapel where you can not see any other prisioners. After they stopped physical beatings, they kept some of the prisioners from ever seeing or talking to anyone

Northern part of Tasman Peninsula enroute Bicheno

The Officers'Mess Who says there is no use for old military stuff - they turned the Officers' Mess into a gift shop and restaurant as there are no loose cons to catch!
The backroad The road that follows the ocean is mud, and I would hate to see it after heavy rains. Note the 'very large' Suzuki Swift' we were packed into
The kids are shown with their Tassy devil shirts and a beautiful view to the ocean

Bicheno, Eastern Tasmania

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal, and they flake out during the day for a nice nap
Patrick got to pet a tame young devil while the keeper kept control of the situation

Launceston, Northern Tasmania

The kids at loved to travel on the train around the park!
The kids played on a really unique and exciting teeter totter in the Cataract Gorge Park
Close up photo of Patrick going across the gorge
Close up photo of Olivia going across the gorge
Julie took this picture as John and Patrick finish the chairlift ride accross the gorge

Trip to visit Holdens in Nowra

The kids found some great sand on the beach while Jim and John were skiing
You know that there was a reason why John brought all the water ski gear down under
It has been a while, but Jim "forced" John to have 3 ski sessions. Here I am trying to stop his boat!

Photos uploaded March 26th

Olivia's 7th Birthday Party doing crafts
Line up of all those at the party
The kids at the party hear the story about fairys and wishing with their wishing stone
Patrick went to the party dressed as a Pirate

Julie and the International wives went for a boat cruise around Lake Burley Griffin while the men slaved away in class!

The Canadian, British, and US kids play in the park during the first school break in March

RMC of Australia in their whites conducting retreat
RMC of Australia band and fireworkings doing the 1812 Overture

Photos uploaded February 19th

Olivia's 7th Birthday cake
Patrick dressed in his uniform and hat for school
Patrick and Olivia on first day at school
Kids with a dinosaur bone at the museum
Kids ride the fake roo outside the Farrer Shops
The Hot Chicken and Beef at Hanafi's Malasian party
Patrick sitting down at the assembly on the first day of school

Photos uploaded January 28th

Kids dig in the sand at Pebbly Beach
Kids up close with the roos

Photos uploaded January 16th


Olivia & Dad enjoy the Xmas candlelight concert in the park
Patrick enjoys the moment in the park
Here is a look at our house in Isaacs

Pebbly Beach

Julie feeds the wild parrots at Pebbly Beach
Patrick & Olivia feed the little roos
Patrick & Olivia & Dad feed the family of roos


We got a passer by to shoot all of us at the Narrows Bridge
Dad & the kids in front of the Opera House
We got to see an aborigine play the digerydoo
This is our sea container - Ex-HOTEF guys are hoisting it up

Nelson's Bay

John stole the kids bogie board and got crunched in the surf right after Julie took this pitcure

Photos from Dec &Nov

Patrick & Dad check out Sea Otters in Monterey Bay
Patrick & 'Sparky' resting in San Mateo

The whole family gets welcomed in Hawaii
Kids by the mailbox in Hawaii
Patrick showing how he can "Surf just like Dad"
Olivia having fun on the beach in Hawaii

Kids on Aussie Santa's Lap at Woden
Patrick by the pool getting his present
Olivia by the pool getting her present
John by a kangaroo
Julie by a kangaroo
Kids by a kangaroo