50 Command and Staff Course


Webmaster: John McManus - Last Updated:

30 Aug 03 - Hayden returns to Oz and sends info (Robbo the warrior - see below)

18 Sep - John updates work information after his CO tour
26 Aug 02 - Dixo updates Email address after retiring from RAAF in Jul 02

20 Dec  - Mike W's new home Email address
12 Dec - Steve Drury returns from UK and updates Email
9 Dec - Steve Drury sends on photo of Osby's Volvo
15 May - Dixo returns from Japan
14 May - Maka changes jobs
9 Mar - Mike W's home address
20 Jan 01 - Drury relays Tilly's address (Tilly delays it for several months to let info "ripen")

10 Dec - Andrew & Fi's Wedding
9 Nov - Fozy's work Email address
29 Oct - Mike W's work address
17 Aug - Dean moves
13 Aug - Rino's work address
8 Aug - Anne's new business Email & link
29 Jul - Mike W's home address
25 Jul - Robbo's work address
18 Jul - Mal's home Email address
13 Jul - John's Change of Command & details
22 May - Greg Downing's work address
21 May - Andrew & Fiona's announcement & Fozy's Email address
26 Feb - BK updates Email address via Drury (Steve holds it for 2 months to let it "ripen")
20 Feb - Added Cate's NZ details
16 Feb - Hayden's US details
10 Feb - New Email & homepage for Ray
6 Feb - Ralph Kettle updates address
23 Jan 00 - Winston Manay reports in & updates address

31 Dec - Dixo's home Email address & deleted Cate's Oz stuff
24 Dec - Tony Atkinson retires - delete work Email
20 Dec - Added Phil's phone number
12 Dec - Fozies Email address
10 Dec - Tim's move to Queensland
5 Dec - Fi's details
17 Nov - Maka's details and added his 'story'

Back: Kettle, Tan, Sidey, McManus, Drury, Malone, Walkington, Marshall, Mills, McBride, Downing, Bellew, Ajawakom
Third: Carrera, Pollanen, See, Mai, Khan, Richardson, Kendrick, R. Wilson, Tillbrook, Osborn, Forestier, Kelton, Henman
Second: Manay, McDonald, Atkinson, Borzycki, Williams, McMahon, Cook, Hanafi, Al-Shehab, B. Wilson, Hayden, Robinson, Stuart-Watt, Sitompul
Front Row Staff

Hayden sends photo of Robbo - from 28 Aug RAAF News

Steve Drury sends on photo of Osby's Volvo - 9 Dec 01


Tilly Sends John an Update - 20 Jan 01 

We've been here for a while John so I'm sorry; I was sitting here in ignorant bliss thinking that I'd sent the address on.

We're staying at the Drury's in London having gone to a ball at the High Commission last night. We've had snow which is unusual for London nowdays. Work for me is good; I'm doing an exchange job with the UK MOD in their Procurement Agency in Bristol. Please advertise on the course web site that if anyone is ever in the UK we've a spare bed in Bath. Visitors are most welcome.

Andrew & Fi's Wedding - 10 Dec 00 

We had a small wedding on 3 Dec (attached is a pic). Additionally, we will be having a big party here in DC on Wed Apr 25 (it will be a mini 50CSC reunion).
Andrew & Fi   Andrew & Fiona

John Assumes Command of 443 Squadron - 13 Jul 00

50 CSC was well represented at John's Change of Command parade by Mike and Anne Walkington. They took the ferry over from Washington State to British Columbia and were able to enjoy a hot, windy summer day. At a party back at McManus' new house after the parade, the host was able to keep Mike's beer cold with a genuine VB stubby holder. Mike and Ann can be seen in this photo just below the first flag. You can click on the photo for more ceremony pictures.

Greg Downing had instructed Hayden to represent him, but Hayden had unfortunately lost too much money on Telstra shares be able to afford airline tickets.


Andrew & Fiona's Announcement! - 18 May 00

Ladies and Gents,
We always said 50CSC was a close course. Now, after a 'whirlwind' courtship, and a lovely 10 day holiday in Italy, we are pleased to announce our engagement. Fiona heads back to Australia this weekend, but is looking to be back here in Washington by the end of the year.

Hope to catch up with you all soon,
Fiona and Andrew

Andrew & Fi   Andrew & Fiona

Maka's Story - 17 Nov 99 

Good to see you have enthusiastically been updating the 50CSC homepage. I went to the old farts day at RAAFSC last month - I was the youngest by about 20 years, and that doesn't happen very often any more! The poor syndicate that got selected to do their presentation to the old farts - the air war in Kosovo was selected, and the guys did a very good staff college hoop jumping presentation (without any IT problems - they have had an upgrade). At the end, when they asked for questions, one old fart jumped up and down at the back. When he stood up, he introduced himself as Ray Funnel (retired CAS) who had just spent six weeks working for the UN investigating the effectiveness of the air campaign in Kosovo, and said he had a few issues from their presentation he wished to address. Just what you need - not only did the guys get shafted on having to do their presentation again, but got the leading authority in the world asking them hard questions at the end! Poor buggers handled it pretty well.

drinkers   The Drinkers Celebrate

This was the party we held at Filthy McFaddens'earlier this year when we drank several hundred dollars worth of Kilkenny beer (thanks very much to the social fund). Andrew D

I scanned the grad stuff and the photos I got sent - Other people can send digital files for me to upload (Link is at the bottom of the page)  check out the sights from the ceremony and see the photo of the food that Hayden sent me!

John gets 'oiled down by the girls' Have a look at John


Number Name Address Phone Email Link
2 A.M. Al-Shehab STATE OF KUWAIT BAYAN BLOCK No 5 STREET 2 HOUSE No 91 009655383578
3 A.J. Atkinson 77 Fidge St, Calwell ACT 2905 (02) 6292 2030 ajatkinson@netspeed.com.au (home)
TAtkinson@ces.com.au (home)
4 C.L. Belew 12 Imran Tce, Khandallah
Wellington NZ (home)
Asst G4 Dev, HQ Land Comd
Locked Bag 900, Upper Hutt NZ (work)
64 4 479 1120 (home)
64 4 527 1154 (work)
021 423 424 (mobile)
cate.bellew@paradise.net.nz (home)
5 A.H. Borzycki Unit 6, 2 Howitt Street, Kingston ACT 2604
Anne's Homepage
(02) 6260 6155 (home)
(02) 6239 4177 (work)
(041) 065 1010 (mobile)
(02) 6239 6875 (fax)
annieb@timecreation.com.au (work)
6 R. Carrera Chief Engineer
Training Aircraft Logistics Management Squadron
RAAF East Sale, VIC 3852
(03) 5144 2598 (home)
(03) 5146 7001 (work)
carrera@i-o.net.au (home)
rino.carrera@defence.gov.au (work)
7 F.D. Cook to 901 Monroe #1408
(703) 469-1945 (home) andyandfi@yahoo.com
8 G.F. Downing PD BCSS, R3-3-052 Russell Offices (02) 6266 7432 (work) greg.downing@cbr.defence.gov.au
9 A.E. Dowse 1601 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington DC 20036 (work)
901 Monroe St #1408
Arlington VA 22201 (home)
(703) 469-1945 (home)
(202) 797-3057 (work)
andrew_d@prodigy.net (home)
Andrew_Dowse@dao.defence.gov.au (work)
10 S.C. Drury 6 Joanne Close
Medowie NSW 2318
? ssdrury@ozemail.com.au (home)
11 A.M Forestier Deputy Director - Strategic Planning
Air Force Headquarters
R1-6-C015, Russell Offices (work)
4 Frangipani Pl, Jerrabomberra NSW 2619 (home)
(02) 6255 9430 (home)
(02) 628 76266 (work)
(02) 626 52533 (fax)
anthony.forestier@defence.gov.au (work)
forestiers3@globalfreeway.com.au (home)
12 E. Hanafi No 40 Jln Aminuddin Baki Ttdi, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 03 7183064 chopper1@tm.net.my
13 A.R. Hayden 22 Straaten Cres, Kaleen ACT 2617 (02) 6242 0377 Bill.Hayden@cbr.defence.gov.au (work)
bthayden@ozemail.com.au (home)
14 W.F. Henman 99 Lamon St, Cooks Hill NSW 2300 wfhenman@raaf.defence.gov.au (work)
billh@netexcel.net.au (home)
15 M.A. Kelton 21 Aronson Cres, Gilmore ACT 2905 (02) 6292 2926 Mark.Kelton@cbr.defence.gov.au (work)
16 J. Kendrick 24 Hillebrand St, Page ACT 2614 (02) 6254 0152 Judith.Kendrick@ea.gov.au (work)
17 R.G. Kettle Officer-In-Charge
323 Logistics Services Flight
RAAF Base Townsville QLD 4810 (work)
(07) 4552 2200 (work)
(07) 4752 2013 (fax)
rgkettle@raaf.defence.gov.au (work)
18 M.A. Khan House No 7, Street 46 F-7/1, Islamabad Pakistan
19 D.S. Long Implementation Manager
DPM Consulting Fyshwick Lvl1/ 96 Barrier St Canberra ACT 2609 (work)
(02)6285 1107 (home)
0438 041 740 (mob)
(02)6280 6244 (work)
david.long@dpm.com.au (work)
20 P. Mai HQ PNGDF Murray Barracks F.M.B. Boroko, Papua New Guinea
21 T.J. Malone 20 Richmond Place, Forest Lake QLD 4078 TBA Tim will update link soon! (work)
22 W.S. Manay OJ2, General Headquarters, AFP
Camp Gen Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City (work)
Normanz Ville, Tambo Lipa City (home)
06343 7560911 (home)
0917-961-9193 (cellphone - Globe)
23 H.K. Marshall 39 Sheperdson Place, Isaacs ACT 2607 (home)
(02) 6290 0106 (home)
(02) 6265 2726 (work)
hayden.marshall@defence.gov.au (work)
marshalls@netspeed.com.au (home)
24 J.C. McBride Strategic Logistics Division, Russell Offices ACT 2600 (02) 6281 0689 (work) jmac@netspeed.com.au (home)
John.Mcbride@cbr.defence.gov.au (work)
25 T. McDonald 19 Illingworth St, Wanniassa ACT 2903 (02) 6296 1536 tomcdona@raaf.defence.gov.au (work)
26 P.C. McMahon 167 Streeton Drive, Stirling ACT 2611 (home)
Level 1, 214 Northborne Ave
Braddon ACT 2612
(02) 6288 7689 (home)
(02) 6230 6833 (work)
(02) 6230 5833 (fax)
0401 046 792 (mob)
pmcmahon@ewa-australia.com (work)
pmcmahon@goldweb.com.au (home)
27 J.J. McManus Director of Operations
Maritime Air Component Pacific
PO Box 17000 Station Forces
Victoria BC V9A7N2 (work)
8507 Ballenas Place
North Saanich BC V8L 4Y9 Canada (home)
(250) 655-6460 (home)
(250) 363-2961 (work)
DSN (319) 255-2961
(250) 889-0071(cell)
jmcmanus@jmcmanus.com (home)
McManus.JJ@forces.gc.ca (work)
28 D. Mills 8507 Hitching Post Lane, Alexandria, VA 22308 USA (703) 619-4943 (home)
(202) 685-4520 (DSN 325- ) (work)
d2mills@integrity.com (home)
d2mills@hotmail.com (home)
millsd@ndu.edu (work)
29 P.C. Osborn 82 Lees Gardens
Maidenhead, Berks, United Kingdom
44 1628 777557 philip.osborn@which.net (home)
31 P.H. Phillips 43 Barada Cres, Aranda ACT 2614 phphilli@raaf.defence.gov.au (work)
32 R.K. Pollanen 15 Jasmine Close, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029
Ray's Homepage
0411 494611 webdesign@rkp.com.au (home)
33 R.T. Richardson 23 Johnstone Cct, Calwell ACT 2905 (02) 6292 5456
34 G.D. Robinson 43 Conway Street, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Staff Officer - Head Systems Acquisition (Submarines)
(02) 6297 7271 (Home)
(02) 6265 4564 (Work)
(02) 6265 1634(Fax)
gdrobinson@netspeed.com.au (home)
Geoff.Robinson@cbr.defence.gov.au (work)
35 K.K. See 1037, Serangoon Road, #10-08, Euro-Asia Apt SINGAPORE 328170 65 2933778 williamsee@pacific.net.sg (home)
36 T.J. Sidey Army Staff College, Fort Queenscliffe VIC 3225
37 J. Sitompul Kompleks TNI-AU Triloka, Blok: L-2 Pancoran, Jakarta Indonesia
38 M.G. Stuart-Watt 1 Chaton Place, Palmerston ACT 2913 (02) 6242 5321 does not read Email!
..... note from the webmaster
mgstuart@raaf.defence.gov.au (work)
39 B.K. Tan 9 Upp Bukit Timah View, #04-01
Singapore 588136
(065)-4632252 tboonkim@starnet.gov.sg (work)
40 L.A. Tilbrook 16 St Catherine's Cl
01225 44 2596 tilly1@onetel.net.uk(home)
41 M.C. Walkington 26057 SE 38th St., Issaquah WA 98029 USA (425) 837 0591 (home) walkingtons@attbi.com (home)
michael.walkington@defence.gov.au (work)
42 M.R Williams 15 Gurr St, Calwell ACT 2905 (02) 6291 5698 (home) willmr@ozemail.com.au (home)
willmr@si1.dod.gov.au (work)
43 B. Wilson 29 Kirkwood Cres, Gordon ACT 2906 (02) 6294 0874
44 R.M. Wilson 9 Rowell Place, Weston ACT 2611 (02) 6287 4494 inozwil@netspeed.com.au (home)
Staff Mike Swinbourne RAAFSC(02) 6287 6665 swinbourne@netspeed.com.au (home)

Send Email address updates to the Webmaster at: 50 CSC Webmaster

Send in any information that you think would make this a better Homepage!


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